miércoles, 23 de enero de 2013

Presentes en nuestro afán

Para sumarse a la VANGUARDIA

¡Argentina no se rinde!

3 comentarios:

estudiar profesorado universitario dijo...

verdad y justicia y para que nunca más ocurran este tipo de sucesos en la argentina.

Anónimo dijo...

Esto es Corea del Norte, la crueldad de su comunismo en campos de concentración con más de doscientos mil rehenes.

"The secret horror of North Korean prison camps:

The secret network of North Korean prison camps are being mapped out in unprecedented detail thanks to Google Earth.

The freely available application is being utilised by human rights activists to unmask the scale of the forced labour camps where more than 200,000 people are imprisoned.

Amnesty International is among the organisations that have praised the use of Google Earth in helping to reveal the truth in one of the world's most secretive states

Amnesty, which is banned in the Communist country, said inmates have to go to almost unimaginable lengths to survive the camps where starvation, disease and executions are rife

Spokesman Neil Durkin told MailOnline: '[Camp] inmates have been reduced to eating rats or picking corn kernels out of animal waste to survive, and an estimated 40% of detainees die of malnutrition.

'For years the North Korean authorities have tried to deny the very existence of these camps - so if commercial satellite mapping can help support what we’ve been able to show about the extent of a secret network of prison camps, then it could be helpful in putting pressure on the authorities to get them closed down.'

By Becky Evans"


Anónimo dijo...

Honor y Gloria a los Héroes y Mártires de la guerra anticomunista.

¡Arriba Vanguardia!

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